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Writing Samples

Title: The Iron Rod Show's Christ's Love for Us

Audience: Children ages 4-11.

Instructions: This story is catered to readers of the Friend Magazine. I wrote this story as a way to illustrate my experience in primary when I was learning about Lehi's dream. Even though we all mess up, we can still repent and come unto Christ.

Title: The Secret to Expressing Gratitude in your Trials

Audience: LDS adults, both young and old.

Instructions: This story is written for the Ensign. I wrote about a recent experience where I finally understood what it means to be grateful in your circumstances. It's not easy, but it is possible.

Title: Obedience and Respect for the Lord's House

Audience: LDS Youth

Instructions: I wrote a story that caters to, specifically for the youth. I also included three samples of headlines for in the document.

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